Friday 16 September 2011

Theories: Bordwell and Thompson

The main focus is Hollywood or continuity editing, they look at 4 different ways shots can be linked:

Graphic is what we can see visually, in this case the moving images, as a result the shots are linked due to the shape, colour, patterns, movement and depth.
Graphic match: Linkage of shots by graphic similarity.
Graphic continuity: The main interest is constant through out the cuts, maintaining lighting level, avoiding strong colour clashes.
Graphic discontinuity: Contrasts colour and footage types for example bright red and green.

Rhytmic is about the duration of shots and the pattern it gives combining with the moving image. For example increasing the pace of shot changes in a tense situation within the moving image helps to create the feeling of nervousness and anxiety across to the audience.

Spatial is to do with the location and setting, it is the manipulation of different points through similarity, difference and development.

Temporal concerns time of action and contributes to the plots manipulation of storyline order, time and frequency. The order of events can be manipulated plot relations which interupt 'temporal' order. E.g flashbacks to past events increases story knowledge and understanding and flashforward create enigma. The duration of events within the plot can be varied via use of ellipsis.

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