Friday 16 September 2011

Conventions of a Music Video

Music videos tend to have a variety of shots from extreme close ups to long shots. This is to emphasise the storyline of the song by bringing to the forefront the artist(s), the location and the emotions in the song. All this combines together to create significant meaning on the audience as it creates a visual understanding to the lyrics in the song. Camera movement within the video is usually centered around the artist tracking their movement and using tilts, pans and crane shots to make certain words stand out, therefore, once again creating meaning to the video.
Other conventions are:
-Male and Female actors
-Variety of shots and shot types
-Lip Syncing
-Costumes & Accessories
-A Set Tone

But I think more specifically different genres have different conventions.
Rock Conventions:
-Dark & Gothic
-Passion & Emotion
-Short Shots


Hip Hop:


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