Saturday 24 September 2011

Assessment TME 24/09/11


WWW - Considering that you had no entries when this was last formatively assessed, you have made some good progress. There is some good analysis, particularly of the pop videos and of the CD covers, particularly the Chilli Peppers one.

EBI - You need to include visual imagery with each post to illustrate your points. Particularly the post on the Conventions of a rock video (even through the written work on this is of a good standard).

There could be a little more explanation of the mood board.  Many of the artists have not got shirts on for instance - is this a convention? Why do you think so?

-Much more analysis of the low cost music videos (Although some good points about locations being easily accessible)

-Your entry on the RnB video "My Boo" is long-winded and has lots of waffle. Cinematography means the way in which the camera work is used to create meaning. What shot types have they used and why? Don't give a judgment like "effective" or "good" or "bad" when discussing the micro-elements, just explain what is there and how it creates meaning.

- Include the adverts you are analyzing, you need 3 and they need to be some detail: i.e. not bullet points.

- Complete your analysis of the Rock music videos.

- You have plagiarized your entries for the record label blog entry. You need to adjust this immediately! This also needs to be completed. Keep it simple. What is each of the labels focused on? Do they have one specific genre of music they deal with or are they more generalist? Would they be a good label for your artist?

Grade (Unfortunately) - PR

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