Friday 16 September 2011

CD Cover Research

Maroon 5
Maroon 5's album cover for the alum "Songs about Jane" is very self explanatory while still keeping in with the conventions of a rock band. You can see a naked woman with an open trinket box with her eyes closed, linked with the title this tells me this woman is jane and the songs are coming out the box and her eyes are closed maybe because these songs are serenading her as she seems to be in her element. Being naked gives me the impression of nature and Eve in the garden of Eden, this could be because maroon 5 want people to see them as the originals and everything they do is original. The colour scheme is what keeps this rock band album cover conventional to the genre because the use of a contrasting black and red gives a slight gothic feel, the black coming out the box looks like its going to overwhelm the whole background which backs ups the gothic feel as if the woman isn't in control of hats going to happen.

Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Red Hot Chilli Peppers album cover for the album "Mother's Milk" is very interesting because its an unorthodox rock album cover as it doesn't follow all the conventions that you would usually associate. You can see a woman cradling the four artists suggesting she is the mother (linked with the album title) and the four artist are all brothers and maybe new born children? This gives connotations that this album could be the re-birth of the band and are growing and getting stronger thus linking in with the "Milk" which a baby needs to grow and become healthy. The colour scheme is very simply black and white which isn't the conventions of a rock band but just doing this could tell the audience they're more than the conventional rock band and that they're more and better than that. But, the red rose could represent the love and passion for the music and genre.

Slipknot's album cover for the album "All Hope is Gone" follows a lot of conventions of a rock band due to the colour scheme and the image on it. The character portrayed on the cover seems to be battered, bleeding and scarred with thorns around his head. The thorns around his head are very symbolic as it could represent a jesus like figure who was beat down and people thought all hope was gone. This could be what the band are trying to portray and that even though you think all hope is gone they're going to overcome just like Jesus did. The name of the band being in green creates a very cold scary feel as the writing looks very jagged almost like thorns from a bush, this combined with the black, purple to eerie light blue and white creates a gothic feel linking back to the conventions of a rock band having very dark and gothic connotations.

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