Friday 23 September 2011

Analysis of R'n'B Video: Usher & Alicia Keys - My Boo

Based on cinematography the video is very interesting because it keeps in with the conventions of a r'n'b music video by telling a story in correlation with the lyrics. From 0:00-0:45 we see and hear another song which would make you think that was going to be the song, but, the you see that it was a previous video being played on the tv, the first variety of shots follow the conventions of an hip hop video as we see low angle long shots of the artist partying and lots of attractive models. The long shot at 0:46 is very effective as it shows the tv and the artist sitting down with his head down, this could mean that the video and music we saw on the tv was his past self and he's ashamed of it or he has moved on from that, and that this is another story in his life that we are about to hear.

The song is very conventional because it is a song about love and is once again very passionate and emotional. This allows the audience to get lost in their thoughts about similar experiences and makes them listen to the lyrics in relation to the video. Also, the song is very repetitive making it easy for lyrics to get stuck in peoples head, meaning it will be song more, meaning more people will hear it, wanting to buy it boosting views and listeners to those artists.

Mise en Scene:
Based on mise en scene the video is interesting because we see it set in a front room and a bed room which means that the audience can relate to it as both settings are familiar places, this is effective as it will help the audience build up a relationship with the artist because it will make them feel as if they both do and have the same things so they will feel as if they know the artists. Also, both artists are wearing normal clothing reinforcing the feel of being the same as the artists.

Based on editing the video is very effective because there are a lot of variations in shots but the shot length are long and explanatory of the relevant story helping create a visual understanding of  the song. These long lasting shots compliment the slow harmonising music and helps create the feel of emotion and love which is what the video is supposed to do in order to re iterate the lyrics of the song.

Based on performance the video is good because the artists act with real passion and create a extremely realistic sense of emotion between each other building a relationship with the audience who are feeling the same feelings portrayed. The good acting gives a lasting effect on the audience reminding them of both artist sincerity in future videos.

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