Tuesday 20 September 2011

Advertisement Research

The Klaxons
-Band name
-Album art
-name of album
-3 examples of singles
-available on CD or vinyl
-release date
-Band site & Myspace
-Black background
- Gothic writing
- Confusing art with link to title
-Album title in play blocks? child connotations, link to future, birth?
-Pictures of ancient things, wont be apart of future? Destroyed? nothing last forever?

The horrors
-Album title
-Release date
-4 examples of reviews from household names
-tour dates
-where to buy tickets
-myspace title
-Black & white background
-5 artist sitting on couch
-pigs head on wall above
-connotations to strange house?
-all artists look pale, gothic
-band name & album in big size capitals
-Release date in big size
-Everything else in small size
-Album art

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