Tuesday 20 September 2011

Genre Research: Analysis of 5 Videos

Cinematography Based on cinematography this video is very stereotypical of a rock music video as it has various shot types, changing being short and sharp giving a high tempo which is in unison with the beat which is quite fast.
Editing Based on editing the video also follows conventions as wee see a gothic effect used on the camera throughout whihc seems to give the video a blueish tinge, this gives a dark, gothic feel allowing the audience to create emotions based on the link between what they hear and what they see. This is good as it is a simple way of being creative and effective.
Mise en Scene Based on mise en scene, the setting and location are very stereotypical as we see it set in an obscure location with the band set up. the narrative side seems to be set on 2 peoples travels and they both seem to fit the descriptions of the kind of people that would listen to this music as they have rock-like outfits including dark shades and black nail varnish.

Cinematography Based on cinematography this video just has basic changes in shot types as it is just a recorded live performance. This is also a different type of rock and is old, less gothic and more 'groovy'.
Editing Based one editing the video is very basic, this could be because of how old the the video actually is and because it is a live performance so the shot types and angles are very limited because there wasnt a pre discussed storyboard an everything is being done free hand so to speak.
Mise en Scene
Based on mise en scene the video is stereotypical as it is set on stage of a live set but the artists arent dressed in a gothic clothes or performing in a gothic manner.

Based on cinematography this video is very stereotypical of a rock music video as it has various shot types, changing being short and sharp giving a high tempo which is in unison with the beat which is quite fast.
Based on editing we see a variation between shot lengths changing with the beat and when there are links between lyrics and visuals creating meaning and understanding with the audience.
Mise en Scene
Based on mise en scene it is once again set in an obscure location as we see a man submerged in water and performing in what seems to be a hospital room, this out of the ordinary location and setting is conventional. This also gives a gothic feel as we see smoke creating an eerie feel. This is backed up by the artists wearing stereotypical dark clothes.

Based on cinematography this video is diferent as it doesnt follow stereotypes of a rock video. In this video the song is just a sound track to what is being played out in the video where we see a teacher fall down a ditch and so on. As a result there arent amny changes in angles and the tempo is slowed down.
Based on editing we can see long lengthed shots as the video is movie like, this isnt stereotypical and breaks away from the conventions of a rock video, but still gives the same effects and meaning to the audience.
Mise en Scene
Based on mise en scene the video doesnt have an obscure location apart from towards the end where he seems to be in some demonic place. This isnt stereotypical and only follows conventions based on the gothic feel behind the demonic place. The man is dressed in normal clothes which isnt usual in a rock video but this could have a deeper meaning to the video that all kinds of people can listen to rock not just one crowd.

Based on cinematography there are various shots types and angles although it is just a live gig, but I think this video was pre planned and as a result there is some structure to the video and there is a documentary feel to the video as a result.
Based on editing we see a variation between short and long lengthed shots, parts of the video are also in black and white giving links to the stereotypical gothic feel to the video.
Mise en Scene
Based on mise en scene it is very stereotypical as it is set on a live set so we can see fans, who are all gothic and the artists performing in their environment and behind the scenes, this gothic feel is then once again backed up by the artists wearing stereotypical clothes keeping with the conventions of a rock video.

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