Tuesday 27 March 2012

Q1. In what ways does your media product, use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

One way my media product uses conventions of my genre is by the video being structured in a stereotypically in relation to the genre; which is Heavy Metal. The video has a variety of locations but the main base of the video is set in a concert like hall where we see the band performing as if they would do to fans. This is a convention as most videos in this genre have some involvement of performance shots where we see the artists engaging with fans and “rocking out”, this is the effect we were trying to re-create. A way in which my media product develops conventions of my genre is by us using very symbolic but extreme cutaways. An example of this is when we see the main artist in the band, Freddie, with black tape over his mouth; this is to represent the lyrics, “Your silence is so haunting, your words relentless, burying in”, showing yet she’s so quiet her words are so powerful and this is the visual representation we came up with. It also challenges conventions of a music video as you cannot see the lip-synching which is what audiences expect. My media product challenges conventions of my genre as there are subtle uses of bright colours which are not seen in heavy metal videos which are almost always seen to use dark tones such as navy blue, black or purple. The use of bright colours in our video is to add intensity to the emotion of the music video where we see Freddie throw a bunch of bright red roses onto a fire. These red roses symbolise the love in the song between Freddie and his ex and represents the love burning away. Just the colour red intensifies this scene as red is the colour of pain, love and danger. Another convention of a music video that my video follows is the use of editing; in the video the shot cuts are in time with the beat, reflecting the tempo of the song through imagery. This helps to create the specific emotion that we’re trying portray on the audience which is good as it will mean that the video is effective at grabbing the audience.

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