Tuesday 27 March 2012

Q2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The combination of my main media product and ancillary texts are effective because the two compliment each other. The ancillary texts follow the themes of the media product using the same colours, being, red, black and grey. Also the text fonts used are conventional and will be recognised as stereotypical fonts for this genre. But I feel the way in which the two combine well is based on how the pictures in the ancillary section create a similar emotion to the main media product and develop conventions of my genre. This is done by one picture being the whole band standing together closely and we see Freddie glaring at what would be the audience. This glare creates a feeling of heart-break and anger which is what is portrayed in the main media product. But, whilst creating this emotion it is also developing a convention of heavy metal as many band pictures are similar, with the band standing close together with a stern look on their faces. But this simple glare changes the whole theme and feel of the product as it is giving the customers an insight into what the product could be about. I think this is effective because it will draw more customers in based on curiosity and intrigue. Our advert is the same image as the album cover, we decided to do this because we want the audience to be familiar with the artist’s look and this will make it easier to find the album when looking for it in stores as they will recognise the faces as they will have previously seen it in the ad. Also, in the ad there are ratings from Kerrang who are a popular rock magazine. Putting this is effective as it tells the audience that if a well established and influential magazine think the album is good then it must be worth buying, boosting the amount of people that look about buying a copy. On the ad there are also links to places where the album can be bought so it can be found efficiently without confusion. All this combined with the main media product is effective because releasing all at once will hit the public hard in the sense that ads and the video will be everywhere they go, getting the song in their heads and information on where to get it.

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