Monday 27 June 2011

What Makes a Good Music Video?

Personally I think a good music video is one that keeps the viewer entertained and makes the song more understandable through visual representation. Take the song 'Beautiful People' By Chris Brown, this is a feel good track through lyrics and the video as we see a range of simple but effective shots and actions throughout:

Whereas in contrast the song 'Cry Me a River' By Justin Timberlake is a somewhat very negative song about heartache and although the difference in lyric content it has the same variety of shots but uses considerably more shot effects and acting in order to portray the negative mood:

A good music video is also one that follows all the essential basics to make it successful including, perfect lip syncing, good shot varieties, and, a good and thorough storyboard. My friend is an amateur music video director and cameraman and has made this for his first video:
This is a prime example of a music video which you can see hasnt been thought out in enough depth and the end result is just someone talking into the camera, as the video all in all is quite boring for its lack of variety and storyline.

Also, I think the characters within the music video have to give off the right energy for the video to be successful because if this isnt the case it will look very obvious on screen and wont be effective in grabbing the audience.

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