Wednesday 29 June 2011

Assessment 29/06/11 SJA

  • Your blog is looking really good so far Daryl.
  • Great effort on your own lip synch task - good performance from you (and your sister!) and some variation in shot types / angles, etc...
  • Really good work on the 'What Makes a Good Music Video' post. Your thoughtful comments show a very good sense of what elements are needed and what to avoid. I like your efforts to make this really visual to demonstrate your points.
  • All WWW/ EBI comments are thoughtful, honest, and show a good understanding of the conventions and features of successful music videos.

  • Make sure you come back and embed your lip synnch to 'In The Sun'.
  • Always try to include a wide variety of shot distances and angles when making your own videos - think really carefully about maintaining viewer interest through shot rotation and creative framing.
  • Great to see a visual looking blog - try not to include too many YouTube clips - I doubt than an examiner would look through the whole song. Think about using just screen grabs or tiny 2-3 second clips from music videos to demonstrate exactly your point.

Effort - VG (make sure you embed lip synch to In the Sun)

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