Friday 4 November 2011

Location Shots

This is a picture of a car park near my house, I feel this location could be a main contender to be chosen as i feel that it is an unusual place, inside is dark and quite empty automatically giving it a mood to a video and making it easy to film in without distractions and problems.

This is a picture underneath an overpass in Croydon. I think this place would be ideal simply because its isolated and clear, this would enable us to link lyrics to the location. But, the only problem here would be  actors concentration levels as cars are constantly driving round and this may cause a problem. But, we wouldnt need any permissions to use this place as its public property eliminating complications with permissions. 

This is an old picture of a bar that is run by my family, it has recently been refurbished meaning inside looks immaculate, and has a stage. This would be perfect for performance shots as the stage looks as if the band was performing at a gig which is what we intend on including in the video. Out of most of the locations I think this will be the most likely to be used as it has the potential to make our video stand out and look as professional as possible without all the expenses.

This is a picture tzken from google images of an abandoned warehouse, this would be a perfect location as it would immediately set the tone to the video and would be good just because its an unusual place and soo many things can be done inside it without problems, such as, throwing paint on walls etc. the main problem with here would just be safety and hygiene as it might be abandoned for safety reasons and being lef for soo long without being attened to would be hygiene wouldnt be good as there would be animal feces and ther potential diseases and infestations.


This is another picture I have taken from google images of inside fairfield halls as I couldnt get inside at the time to get a photo of one of the theatre rooms. This is the the room I was thinking of using clearly because of the performance oportuinities as shots of the gig could be done here as it has a big stage, but the only problem with this is getting permission to use it, clashes with booking dates, expenses to use it and its size. The location looks a little too big as we wouldnt be able to fill the whole theatre and wouldnt make the video look good with an half empty gig. 

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