Friday 11 November 2011

Teacher Assessment 11/11/11 TME

This is the assessment Mr Metcalfe took the time to write out for me. It is good to get feedback from teachers on our blogs because they know the exact specifications, strengths, weaknesses and what i need to be doing in order to hit the highest possible marks. This is as good as the peer assessment because aswell as working hard to impress fellow classmates we know the exact protocols we need to get good marks.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Location Permission Letter

I was in charge of contacting my dad who owns the bar we were looking to use, I am waiting on his reply to the email just outlining whether its okay or not to use the site.

Track Permission Letter

We have e-mailed the record label via their website and we are waiting a reply for confirmation and authorisation that we can use our chosen song choice. Usually they wont reply but sending the e-mail covers us in case they approach us and say that we never asked as we have visual evidence of doing so.

Initial Ideas

This is just a simple mind map showing the brainstormed ideas between the group. We discussed possible bands, song choice, performance, and costumes

Advert Designs

This is the kind of advert we are looking to put out and it is similar to the album cover. To create more meaning we have decided to make connotations between the album title and the props in the picture by dying some seaweed red and editing it to look as if each artist has red seaweed hands. This links to the title "Blood Red Ocean" where the red dye will represent the "blood red" and the seaweed linking to show that we have been in the "Ocean". We feel this will catch most peoples eye whether they listen to our genre or not, creating interest and enabling us as much publicity as we can. The picture is set in an urban background just to make sure that the links to sea isn't too strong and to ground the album that we are normal people building a relationship between the audience and us.


This is a video we put together to outline what concepts we were brainstorming as a group and links between ideas. We thought this would be a good visual way of showing this as it involves filming, writing, conversations, editing and the final uploading of the video to youtube.


When making a music video there are a number of jobs that need doing to make it go successfully, we are going to share these out between our group so we have all contributed equally, the allocations are as follows:

  • Abbie- Filming, photographer.
  • Luke- Filming, costume and props organiser.
  • Daryl- Filming, location manager.
  • Freddie- Filming, lead singer, technician.
As you can see we are all filming as we all have good filming techniques and know the basics and advanced skills needed to make effective shot. The other jobs were allocated based on each others strengths and weaknesses and we feel that having the roles will make the best out of what we can and cant do.

CD cover designs

As you can see we have gone for the conventional look with the front cover simply having the name of the album with some stereotypical colours to help build up rapor with the customers based on first glimpses of the cover. The back cover is just a star in a ring which is quite demonic and once again builds up the link between the band genre and the connotations associated. On the inside centre and left we have chosen to put a picture, a very random, obscure one as most genre related albums have this.

Friday 4 November 2011

Talent Release Form

This is the talent release form which is a legal document we hand out to all actors involved in the making of the music video. It is required to cover us from there being prosecuted for unauthorised use of images, video clips on the internet and in public. Each person involved simply signs it if they comply and they are filed safe for future reference if needed.

Photo Shoot Plan

This is the photo shoot schedule once again just making it clear when, where and who's required eliminating confusion between people and allowing time for people to be organised for the shoot.

Peer Assessment

This is the peer assessment done by Luke Nolan. It is good for me to see what my peers think of my work as they are working t the same level as me so if they think it isn't of standard I know they are being honest to hep me achieve better. It is also good because I ca see what I need to work on and get to see what my work is like from another point of view.

Location Shots

This is a picture of a car park near my house, I feel this location could be a main contender to be chosen as i feel that it is an unusual place, inside is dark and quite empty automatically giving it a mood to a video and making it easy to film in without distractions and problems.

This is a picture underneath an overpass in Croydon. I think this place would be ideal simply because its isolated and clear, this would enable us to link lyrics to the location. But, the only problem here would be  actors concentration levels as cars are constantly driving round and this may cause a problem. But, we wouldnt need any permissions to use this place as its public property eliminating complications with permissions. 

This is an old picture of a bar that is run by my family, it has recently been refurbished meaning inside looks immaculate, and has a stage. This would be perfect for performance shots as the stage looks as if the band was performing at a gig which is what we intend on including in the video. Out of most of the locations I think this will be the most likely to be used as it has the potential to make our video stand out and look as professional as possible without all the expenses.

This is a picture tzken from google images of an abandoned warehouse, this would be a perfect location as it would immediately set the tone to the video and would be good just because its an unusual place and soo many things can be done inside it without problems, such as, throwing paint on walls etc. the main problem with here would just be safety and hygiene as it might be abandoned for safety reasons and being lef for soo long without being attened to would be hygiene wouldnt be good as there would be animal feces and ther potential diseases and infestations.


This is another picture I have taken from google images of inside fairfield halls as I couldnt get inside at the time to get a photo of one of the theatre rooms. This is the the room I was thinking of using clearly because of the performance oportuinities as shots of the gig could be done here as it has a big stage, but the only problem with this is getting permission to use it, clashes with booking dates, expenses to use it and its size. The location looks a little too big as we wouldnt be able to fill the whole theatre and wouldnt make the video look good with an half empty gig. 

Thursday 3 November 2011

Shooting Schedule

This is the shooting schedule as you can see it will be based over 4 separate days giving us time to prepare properly for each without being in a rush or pressed for tim. The shooting schedule makes it easier for everyone to understand when and where were shooting, what is needed and who is required. this makes it clear, organised eliminating any confusion or mistakes.