Tuesday 19 July 2011

Assessment 19/7/11 MCU


Daryl you have evaluated your contribution on the day well, and you have shown that you understand that careful preparation and organisation on the day is vital.

The images that you have chosen illustrate your contribution well.

I am glad that you were enthusiastic about the task!


You should upload your planning documents- the lyrics that you printed out and annotated.

You should upload photos of you editing and reflect on your first experiences with final cut.

Your In the sun lipsynch task seems to be of a low quality- could you try re uploading it at a better quality?

How could you make your WWW/EBI post visual?

You should write a post discussing your progress from year 12 into year 13.

Due Thursday 21/7

You should upload your finished in the sun edit

You should write, record and upload a commentary analysing your in the sun final edit.

There is some missing here Daryl. Please make sure you catch up and meet Thursday's deadline.


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